Intermediate Fluctuations in the Ising Model

Sebastien Ott, S. Shlosman, Y. Velenik

2024, v.30, Issue 1, 97-104


We study the fluctuations of the boundary of a large droplet of one
phase of the low-T 2D Ising model in a N x N box. It is known that these fluctuations are of the order of N^(1/3) in the vicinity of the walls, and of the
order of N^(1/2) far away from the walls. We argue that in fact the fluctuations
of this interface can be of any order N^b, 1/3 <= b <= 1/2, depending on the
location on the interface. We state a conjecture concerning the locations where
the fluctuations are of the order N^b.


Keywords: Ising model, Wulf shape, Gaussian fluctuations, KPZ fluctuations


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