In addition to research papers, reviews, tutorial papers and short
explanations of new applied fields with new mathematical problems are welcome.

Papers should be written in readable English.

The paper should include: an abstract, a short (running) title,
key words, AMS subject classification number(s), authors' affiliations.
The references should contain the authors names, the title of the
article, the name of the journal, the year, the issue number, the
first and last page numbers. If it is a preprint, the institution
where the preprint is registed should be given(or the web-reference to the ArXiv).

Manuscript submission requirements

Contributors are kindly requested send a pdf file with the contributed paper
by e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief to the following address:

If the paper significantly relies on the results of other papers,
the authors can send files containing those papers together with
the submission. This will facilitate and accelerate the refereeing process.

A condition for accepting submitted papers to be considered
for publication and to be refereed accordingly, is that submitted
papers have not been published, nor will be simultaneously
submitted or published elsewhere.

Instructions for the authors of accepted papers

Please provide
1. LaTeX file,

2.  BibTeX file, which will be  used in the compilation process
together with your LaTeX file.

3. files with pictures (if any, preferably in pdf or eps format), and all
supplementary files (if needed).
Since the journal is printed in black and white, the pictures also
should be in black and white. Another possibility (not desirable)
is that the colors of the pictures should be chosen so that they
are distinguishable in gray scale printing.

4. We do not send page proofs to the authors. In case of any
questions, the editors contact the authors by e-mail.