Markov Processes And Related Fields

The Journal focuses  on mathematical modelling of today's enormous wealth of problems from modern technology, like artificial intelligence, large scale networks, data bases, parallel simulation, computer architectures, etc.

Research papers, reviews, tutorial papers and additionally short explanations of new applied fields and new mathematical problems in the above fields are welcome.

The journal is abstracted/indexed in: Mathematical Reviews, Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE) including the Web of Science, ISI Alerting Service, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Scienses (CC/PC&ES), Zentralblatt Math.

Vadim Aleksandrovich Malyshev — an outstanding Russian scientist in the field of mathematics and mathematical physics, Doctor of Sciences, professor at Moscow State university, Head of the Laboratory of Large Random Systems, (Moscow State University), laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR (1991). In 1994 V. A. Malyshev founded on his own (independently, without any external funding) international journal ”Markov Processes and Related Fields”, and he remained to be the Editor-in-Chief of this journal till his last day. With a deep sorrow we inform that Professor Vadim Aleksandrovich Malyshev passed away suddenly on the 30th of September 2022, on his 85th year. You can find more information about him here: More details about the contributions of V.A. Malyshev may be found at, and more on his own views and philosophy at his personal page (in Russian). A website in Prof. Malyshev's honour is

The list of all special issues ( The issue (2023 Volume 29 Number 4) of MPRF publishes works presented or discussed at the conference "Perpetual Search: Mathematics, Physics, Life" devoted to the 85th anniversary of Vadim Aleksandrovich Malyshev (1938-2022), a great mathematician and the founder of journal "Markov Processes and Related Fields". This issue is available for FREE here: or HERE: