Author - M. Lowe
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Muenster, Fachbereich Mathematik, Einsteinstrasse 62, 48149 Muenster, Germany
The Sparse Blume\tire Emery\tire Griffiths Model of Associative Memories
J. Heusel, M. Lowe
(2018, issue 5)
On the Spectral Density of Large Sample Covariance Matrices with Markov Dependent Columns
O. Friesen, M. Lowe
(2014, issue 2)
Moderate Deviations for the Size of the Largest Component in a Super-critical Erdos - Renyi Graph
J. Ameskamp, M. Lowe
(2011, issue 3)
Torpid Mixing of the Swapping Chain on Some Simple Spin Glass Models
M. Ebbers, M. Lowe
(2009, issue 1)
A Note on the Annealed Free Energy of the p-Spin Hopfield Model
H. Knopfel, M. Lowe
(2007, issue 3)
Moderate Deviations for a Class of Mean-Field Models
P. Eichelsbacher, M. Lowe
(2004, issue 2)
Fluctuations in the Hopfield Model at the Critical Temperature
B. Gentz, M. Lowe
(1999, issue 4)
The Storage Capacity of Generalized Hopfield Models with Semantically Correlated Patterns
M. Lowe
(1999, issue 1)