Issue 4 (2003)

Special issue containing contributions by participants of the conference ``Mathematical aspects of random systems and statistical mechanics'' in the honour of Leonid Pastur. Editors: Jean-Michel Combes, Jean Ruiz and Valentin A. Zagrebnov.


On the Euler - Poincare Characteristic of the Random Cluster Model,
Magnetic Response in Ideal Quantum Gases: the Thermodynamic Limit,
Invariant Measures for One-Dimensional Anderson Localisation,
The Spectral Theory of Adiabatic Quasi-Periodic Operators on the Real Line,
Correlation Functions of Characteristic Polynomials as Determinants of Integrable Kernels: Universality in the Dyson Limit,
High Disorder Localization for Random Schrodinger Operators Through Explicit Finite Volume Criteria,
Classical Magnetic Lifshits Tails in Three Space Dimensions: Impurity Potentials with Slow Anisotropic Decay,
Scattering from Subspace Potentials for Schrodinger Operators on Graphs,
Limit Theorem for Sums of Products of Random Variables,
Quasi 1D Localization: Deterministic and Random Potentials,
A Thermodynamic Limit of Relative Fredholm Determinant of Green Operators for Random Schrodinger Operators,
Random Schrodinger Operators on Manifolds,
A Survey of Rigorous Results on Random Schrodinger Operators for Amorphous Solids,
Low Temperature States of the Two and Three Dimensional Falicov - Kimball Models,
Spectral Asymptotics for the Perturbed 2D Pauli Operator with Oscillating Magnetic Fields. I. Non-Zero Mean Value of the Magnetic Field,
Lifshitz Tails for the 1D Bernoulli - Anderson Model,
Central Limit Theorems for Order Parameters of the Gardner Problem,
Contraction Estimates on Groups.