Author - E. Saada
CNRS, MAP5, UMR 8145, Universite Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cite, 45 rue des Saints-Peres, 75270 Paris cedex 06, France
K. Raschel, E. Saada
(2020, issue 4)
Ergodicity of Some Dynamics of DNA Sequences
M. Falconnet, N. Gantert, E. Saada
(2020, issue 4)
Special issue containing papers presented at the meetings
F. Dunlop, T. Gobron, E. Saada
(2016, issue 3)
Quenched Large Deviations for Glauber Evolution with Kac Interaction and Random Field
O. Benois, M. Mourragui, E. Orlandi, E. Saada, L. Triolo
(2012, issue 2)
Interface Fluctuations in a Conserved System: Derivation and Long Time Behaviour,
L. Bertini, P. Butta, E. Presutti, E. Saada
(2003, issue 1)
On the Thermodynamic Limit for a One-Dimensional Sandpile Process
C. Maes, F. Redig, E. Saada, A. van Moffaert
(2000, issue 1)